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It was the fall of 1935. Penrose School was to host the Rural Invitational Softball Tournament – a highly competitive battle for the title of Fremont County School League Champions. The Penrose

PTA was tasked with providing food, entertainment, and prizes for the 15 softball teams and spectators who would flood our small little hamlet.


The theme? Penrose’s famous apples.


And so it began…


Apple Day.


The inaugural event included the softball tournament, Barnyard Golf, political speeches, a potluck, an evening dance, and a free slice of apple pie.


Over the years, traditions have been added, while others have been lost. No longer a day centered around the ball field, yet residents and tourists still flood the streets each October to partake in all things apple. Most especially that free slice of pie.  

We couldn't have done it without YOU!!!


                 Penrose Chamber of Commerce          PO Box 760 Penrose, CO 81240           Email us at:                                                                                                          719-429-6697


 Sam Storjohann      Karyn Montanez      Masuma Madaminov    Peter Mooningham     Dan Brandt     Mike Haigwood   Tom Pettis   

Shawn Kauffman     Lacy Baker    Steve Shannon    Barb Haigwood     Gerri Rimpley                                                             


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